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A mediocre

You're enjoying I'm creating Neither hundred percent Nor the hundredth of whole Only like a mediocre of You and me. As long as I'm writing My poem bridges the gap Even though a single Atom of us.

Human behavior is individuality and need induced.

Our behavior never remains same on every time. It varies place to place and time to time in the same individual. It's a known thing by all. Did you think just a while from what our psyche induce. If our perception plays a major role then why it varies yet our cognition increases at a same pace.
If the behavior induces by learning then it should also increase in a progressive way.
Its both may be a reason but not executive of our brain. Our behavior is totally individuality and need induced. Thinking, perception, learning and all cognition play a major role but the need of the time and place is also important for behavior. 


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